JMX MBean View


Mon Oct 14 14:27:29 UTC 2024
DescriptionAn messaging post-office

Attribute Name Access Type Description Attribute Value
Instance R org.jboss.messaging.core.contract.MessagingComponent The instance to plug into the server peer
DataSource RW java.lang.String The JNDI name of the DataSource used by this ChannelMapper instance
TransactionManager RW The ObjectName of the TransactionManager used by this ChannelMaper instance

View MBean

SqlProperties RW java.lang.String DML and DDL overrides
CreateTablesOnStartup RW boolean Should database tables be created on startup?
PostOfficeName RW java.lang.String The name of the post office
ServerPeer RW The ObjectName of the server peer this destination was deployed on

View MBean

GroupName RW java.lang.String The name of the JGroups group to use
StateTimeout RW long Timeout for getState()
CastTimeout RW long Timeout for getState()
Clustered RW boolean Is this post office clustered?
ControlChannelConfig RW org.w3c.dom.Element The JGroups stack configuration for the control channel
DataChannelConfig RW org.w3c.dom.Element The JGroups stack configuration for the data channel
ServerPeer RW The ObjectName of the server peer this destination was deployed on

View MBean

ChannelFactoryName RW The ObjectName of the JGroups Multiplexer used to create JChannels
ControlChannelName RW java.lang.String The name of the stack used on multiplexer for Control Channels
DataChannelName RW java.lang.String The name of the stack used on multiplexer for Data Channels
ChannelPartitionName RW java.lang.String The partition name used to identify JMS/Postoffice on the JGroups Multiplexor
MaxConcurrentReplications RW int The maximum number of concurrent replications
FailoverOnNodeLeave RW boolean If true then failover will occur when a node cleanly leaves the group - i.e. it is cleanly shut down
NodeIDView R java.util.Set Get the set of nodes in the cluster

Operation Return Type Description Parameters
create void JBoss Service lifecycle operation
[no parameters]
start void JBoss Service lifecycle operation
[no parameters]
stop void JBoss Service lifecycle operation
[no parameters]
destroy void JBoss Service lifecycle operation
[no parameters]