JMX MBean View


Sat Dec 21 14:28:28 UTC 2024
DescriptionA deployable JBoss Messaging Queue

Attribute Name Access Type Description Attribute Value
Name R java.lang.String The destination name
JNDIName RW java.lang.String The destination's JNDI name
ServerPeer RW The ObjectName of the server peer this destination was deployed on

View MBean

DLQ RW The DLQ for this queue, overrides the default DLQ on the server peer
ExpiryQueue RW The expiry queue for this queue, overrides the default expiry queue on the server peer
RedeliveryDelay RW long The delay before redelivering
SecurityConfig RW org.w3c.dom.Element The destination's security configuration
CreatedProgrammatically R boolean True if this destination was created programmatically
MessageCount R int The number of messages in the queue
DeliveringCount R int The number of messages currently being delivered
ScheduledMessageCount R int The number of scheduled messages in the queue
MaxSize RW int The maximum number of messages this queue can hold before they are dropped
FullSize RW int The in-memory message limit, can only be set when queue is stopped
PageSize RW int The paging size, can only be set when queue is stopped
DownCacheSize RW int The write-cache size, can only be set when queue is stopped
Clustered RW boolean Is this a clustered destination?
MessageCounter R org.jboss.jms.server.messagecounter.MessageCounter Get the message counter for the queue
MessageStatistics R org.jboss.jms.server.messagecounter.MessageStatistics Get the message statistics for the queue
MessageCounterHistoryDayLimit RW int The day limit for the message counter
MaxDeliveryAttempts RW int The maximum delivery attempts to the queue
ConsumerCount R int The number of consumers on the queue
Instance R org.jboss.messaging.core.contract.MessagingComponent The instance to be accessed by select plugins via a typed hard reference

Operation Return Type Description Parameters
create void JBoss Service lifecycle operation
[no parameters]
start void JBoss Service lifecycle operation
[no parameters]
stop void JBoss Service lifecycle operation
[no parameters]
destroy void JBoss Service lifecycle operation
[no parameters]
jbossInternalLifecycle void JBoss internal lifecycle operation
method java.lang.String The lifecycle method
removeAllMessages void Remove all messages in the queue
[no parameters]
listAllMessages java.util.List List all messages
[no parameters]
listAllMessages java.util.List List all messages with selector
selector java.lang.String Expression to define the selector
listDurableMessages java.util.List List durable messages
[no parameters]
listDurableMessages java.util.List List durable messages with selector
selector java.lang.String Expression to define the selector
listNonDurableMessages java.util.List List non durable messages
[no parameters]
listNonDurableMessages java.util.List List non durable messages with selector
selector java.lang.String Expression to define the selector
listMessages java.util.List List all messages which meet the condition described in selector
selector java.lang.String Expression to define the selector
resetMessageCounter void Reset the message counter
[no parameters]
resetMessageCounterHistory void Reset the message counter history
[no parameters]
listMessageCounterAsHTML java.lang.String Get the message counter as HTML
[no parameters]
listMessageCounterHistoryAsHTML java.lang.String Get the message counter history as HTML
[no parameters]